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partial volume中文是什么意思

用"partial volume"造句"partial volume"怎么读"partial volume" in a sentence


  • 部分容积
  • 部分体积
  • 分体积


  • Deterministic perturbation partial volume interpolation : algorithm and analysis
  • Partial volume effect
  • Partial volume law
  • Liao zx , travis el , tucker sl . damage and morbidity from pneumonitis after irradiation of partial volumes of mouse lung . int j radiat oncol biol phys , 1995 , 32 : 1359
    尹勇,于金明,邢力刚.剂量体积直方图参数评估放射性肺损伤的作用.中华肿瘤杂志, 2003 , 25 : 313 - 315
  • Therefore , instead of the traditional biomedicine methods , the partial independent component analysis ( pica ) is proposed in this paper to do the partial volume correction for getting the pure microarray data
  • But , because of the partial volume effect of the organism , directly processing of the gene microarray data will make that the characters extracted are not those of the biology genes , which will reduce the measurement sensitivity of the gene features
  • When two images have different resolutions , the higher resolution the images have , the better result it turns out , but it will consumes much more time . we also focus on partial volume ( pv ) interpolation algorithm . the value of mutual information ( mi ) does n ' t increase or decline in one direction at translation from one integer to the nearest integer
    在添加了不同噪声干扰时,它表现出了很好的抗噪性;对于不同分辨率的图像配准,分辨率越高,配准精度越高; pv插值技术导致互信息相邻整数变换之间的非单调性。
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